浩腾视听设备配件有限公司**从事视听配件的设计、研发、制造、销售,主要产品有等离子支架、液晶显示器支架、等离子电视机玻璃架、等离子升降器、音响支架、喇叭架等。公司管理层有多年为行业**牌设计,研发,制造视听设备配件的经验。若有加工及联合设计的项目,非常欢迎和我们联系,我们确信您将以优惠的价格买到高质量的产品。目前产品主要销往美国 加拿大 英国 Haoteng AV Co., Ltd designs, develops, manufactures and exports a full range of quality AV accessories such as plasma TV Mounts and LCD TV Mounts, LCD TV Lift, plasma TV Lift, plasma TV stand, Speaker Stand , wall cable managment extra Our highly skilled team has designed, developed and manufactured audio equipment for many of the largest names in the industry for many years. You are welcome to contact us for your OEM or ODM projects in Mainland China, we ..